KWLUG Meeting: Monday, October 1 2018, 7pm

Programming Microcontrollers

Meeting Date


Khalid Baheyeldin has been playing with inexpensive Wifi and Bluetooth enabled microcontrollers. These can be programmed using the Arduino IDE or Micropython (which runs on the chip instead of an operating system). He  will tell us about the Internet of Things (IoT) and how to use such microcontrollers to interface devices to things like home automation packages (e.g. Home Assistant), and much more. 

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, June 4, 2018, 7pm

Living With the Linux Desktop, PostgreSQL

Meeting Date


Note: For this meeting we are trying a new meeting location. See the 283 Duke St page for details.

James Kelsh will tell us about using the Linux desktop day to day, including work, fun, and maintenance. This presentation is intended to be accessible to new Linux users.

2018-01: Roundtable

KWLUG members hold a roundtable discussion. They covered topics including MySQL replication, token ring networks, speculative execution in light of the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities, the RowHammer vulnerability, and the geneology of operating systems. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2017-12: Curv, Mattermost

Doug Moen discusses the 3D modelling language Curv he is developing, and Jonathan Fritz discusses working at Mattermost, which is building a chat-ops open-source alternative to Slack. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2017-11: Large-scale Open Source Storage and Filesharing

Lori Paniak discusses how he planned and implemented a distributed file storage system using Ceph, ZFS and NextCloud. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.

2017-10: Astronomy

Khalid Baheyeldin discusses how he got into astronomy, and the software he uses to help him take pictures of the sky: Stellarium, Cartes du Ciel, and KStars. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, March 5 2018

Laptop installation, Kubernetes

Meeting Date


Jim Kelsh will demonstrate how to install Linux on a laptop. He may cover different installation methods and different distributions. This presentation is intended to be friendly to beginners to Linux.

Update: Jim's slides are here: 2018-03-05-linux-installation.odp

Charlie Drage will discuss his work (and contributions) to Kubernetes.